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about us

Read the story behind the products

I believe that mothers should be empowered to take care of their children's health. When I gave birth and started taking care of my newborn, I knew that I wanted to use natural, chemical free products and remedies.

I quickly learned about & experienced the antimicrobial effects of colloidal silver. I used it for everything from eye infections & diaper rash to upset stomach & refreshing my face after a day at the beach.

When my daughter was 3 months old, I started showing signs of nutrient depletion.  Rather than turning my health over to a western medical doctor who is only trained in treating symptoms, I decided to devote my time to educating myself in holistic health.

I dove into classes on Nutrition, Herbs, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Cupping & Moxibustion. I started experiencing first hand the transformative power of herbs and plants and their ability to heal, nourish & inspire! 

My daughter Ivy, and I, are now thriving and able to help others who are wanting to improve their health with natural remedies.  For the past 12 years I have attended numerous classes, conferences and workshops on holistic health, nutrition, and herbs. I continue to expand my knowledge in the holistic health field today.

ICD GREEN was established in 2014 when my need to work for myself became so strong that it could no longer be ignored. My natural ability to work with scents and natural ingredients is evident in my products.

ICD GREEN's product line is a unique mix of colloidal silver products, hand crafted skin care and herbal products.  Herbal elixirs, tinctures & infusions are a powerful addition to a healthy lifestyle to help with issues like weak digestion, anxiety, insomnia, colds/flu, depression etc., with minimal, if any, side effects. 



  • use high quality ingredients - our products aren't "watered down" - they are rich & sublime

  • build strong relationships with everyone we interact with: customers, community & suppliers

  • recycle & refill bottles and participate in local beach clean up days

  • educate people about herbal remedies and the benefits of using natural products

I realize that it can be intimidating when first using herbs and/or embarking on a natural health routine. Rest assured, I am approachable, patient, warm, kind and always available for questions.


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